Media Spotlights



The Human Skills Institute

Jody Jacobson, PhD, MSBA, has found her So. Cal. mountain trails to be a source of emotional comfort, mental clarity, and physical conditioning. She connected with Lora Woodward, Registered Life Planner® and Coach Outdoors pioneer, to discuss how we prepare to emerge from our COVID-19 cocoons and why being in nature can be a powerful source of grounding and light for the way forward. And, Lora provides three tips that you can put into action right now!

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Women Who Dare

Kerry Gross wanted more stories of inspiring women. So, she decided to ride her bike from California to Maine in search of women who inspire others. The Women Who Dare podcast tells the story of Kerry’s 5,700-mile bike ride and features her interviews with remarkable women.

Kerry met up with Lora after leaving Pittsburgh and heading Southeast along the Great Allegheny Passage to the trail town of Connellsville. They grabbed a bite to eat from inside the local Polish Club and enjoyed dinner at a picnic table next to the shelters that are free for trail users. Listen to the podcast episode featuring Kerry's interview with Lora on Women Who Dare.


Lora Woodward is a fantastic interview! Weaving her expertise on the benefits of being in nature with the conversations needed to map your next Life Adventure, Lora is eager to share her passion and knowledge. Podcast and media inquiries should be directed here.